Install Yum Extender into CentOS 6

Since Yum Extender is no more maintained in CentOS repository there are a lot of posts asking for this problem and, as usual, a lot of partial or incomplete replies. Just to avoid wasting time follow the few command lines to use for install this tool.

NOTE: The commands require an internet connection than, if you are connected through some proxy you need (if you have not already done) to configure the system by typing the following commands:

export http_proxy="http://proxy_ip:proxy_port/"
export https_proxy="http://proxy_ip:proxy_port/"

In case your proxy require also authentication you need to add username and password as below:

export http_proxy="http://username:password@proxy_ip:proxy_port/"
export https_proxy="http://username:password@proxy_ip:proxy_port/"

Once internet connection ready you only have to install the rpm package adding the new EPEL repository where Yum Extender is available. Below the command line to type for automatic download and install the package:

rpm -ivh

Please note that this is the latest version of this package at this time. If you want to check for new version simply go to this link and, in case, get the new package download path (for CentOS version 5 the link is this). In case you have a 64 bit version of operating system the link to the package is this.

If all goes ok you have a new repository available for yum and now the last command line:

yum install yumex

Now you have Yum Extender installed. Enjoy!


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