Configure Eclipse to go through a proxy

Eclipse IDE have some specific repositories containing various extensions, plugins and so on. Usually Eclipse is able to download and install all these components by directly accessing to Internet Some problem can happen if your network need a proxy access. Here a short guide on how to configure proxy access into Eclipse.

In the Eclipse main window menu select:

Window > Preferences

In the Preferences window select "General" section and "Network Connections" subsection as below:

Here you can set your proxy data access. Set the "Active Provider" field to "Manual" for enable manual configuration of all fields, check or uncheck the internet protocol you want to enable go through your proxy (http, https and so on) select it and click on "Edit..." button for insert proxy data. You need to manually configure each protocol type you want to enable. Basic params are proxy network address and port. Optionally, if requested, you can set the login and password for proxy authentication. Once finished click "Apply" and "OK" and your Eclipse will be ready access to Internet through your proxy.


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